
What is an SSL Certificate


What is an SSL

Have you asked What is an SSL Certificate before and still don’t understand what exactly it is? SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer. This layer protects data transmission between two connections (devices) connected to the internet. This secure layer encrypts the data before transmission, the data is then decrypted on the other end. This makes it nearly impossible for data to get intercepted by unauthorized programs or people.

How does an SSL work?

An SSL works with a key pair. A private, and public key. The public key is sent with the transmission and will only pair with its designated private key. If the incorrect private key is tried to pair with the public key, the data will not be decrypted correctly, and none of the data will make any sense. The data will be unreadable.

Advantages of having SSL encryption on a website

  • It ensures the protection of sensitive information from unauthorized access.
  • Having a secured website boosts the safety ratings of the website with Google.
  • Clients or potential clients will have more trust in a website that is secured.
  • Protect the clients that might fill in personal details on the website.

How do you know if a website is secure?

The protocol of a website is displayed in the first portion of the URL. This would either be http: or https:

https://vitaldev.co.za – Note the protocol, this is a secure website.

https://vitaldev.co.za – Note the protocol, this website is not secured.

Another way to find out if a website is secure is to look for a lock icon next to the URL in the Google URL bar:

If you see this lock icon, you can feel safe that the website is protected and that there is a secure layer between your browser and the server where the website is hosted.

Now that you understand a little better, we would like to assure you that any data you provide on our website is secured, go ahead…look for the lock next to our URL!

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